📝Token Distribution

KBL Tokenomics, Distribution and Vesting periods.

At Genesis, 1,000,000,000 $KBL tokens will be fully minted upfront.

Initially, 20% of the total supply will be available immediately, while the remaining 80% will be locked and gradually distributed over a 6-year period from a vesting Smart Contract.

Distribution and Allocations

The $KBL token will be distributed among seven different categories:

Ecosystem Growth

  • Allocation: 300 million KBL

  • % of total supply: 30%

  • Distribution: Linear vesting of 250M in the first 3 years & 50M in the last 3 years

  • Destination: DApp incentives, staking rewards, community grants.

  • Account ID: 0.0.6075564 (MultiSig 6/10)

Core Development

  • Allocation: 250 million KBL

  • % of total supply: 25%

  • Distribution: Linear vesting of 200M in the first 3 years & 50M in the last 3 years

  • Destination: Product development and operations

  • Account ID: 0.0.6075605 (MultiSig 6/10)


  • Allocation: 150 million KBL

  • % of total supply: 15%

  • Distribution: 100% available on TGE

  • Destination: Community INO and Early Airdrops

  • Account ID: 0.0.6075619 (MultiSig 6/10)


  • Allocation: 120 million KBL

  • % of total supply: 12%

  • Distribution: 1 year cliff, 70M linear vesting in the next 2 years & 50M in the last 3 years

  • Destination: Team, partners and early investors

  • Account ID: 0.0.6075628 (MultiSig 6/10)


  • Allocation: 90 million KBL

  • % of total supply: 9%

  • Distribution: Linear vesting of 90M in 3 years

  • Destination: Inbound and outbound marketing actions

  • Account ID: 0.0.6075634 (MultiSig 6/10)

Creators Council

  • Allocation: 60 million KBL

  • % of total supply: 6%

  • Distribution: Linear vesting of 60M in 3 years

  • Destination: Council operations and performance incentives

  • Account ID: 0.0.6075643 (MultiSig 6/10)


  • Allocation: 30 million KBL

  • % of total supply: 3%

  • Distribution: 100% available on TGE

  • Destination: Liquidity pools, liquidity incentives, and CEX fees

  • Account ID: 0.0.6075664 (MultiSig 6/10)

Circulating Supply Notes

It's important to understand that token unlocks does not mean the all the unlocked tokens will enter circulation. It only means that these tokens are available to be used.

For example, at Genesis, 200M tokens (20% of total supply) will be immediately available but less than 150M tokens will enter circulation on TGE. While the rest will gradually enter circulation over the following months and years.

Last updated