Native Staking

Stake and earn!

The Hedera network enables users to stake the native $HBAR token to contribute to network security, and in return, you can claim HBAR rewards.

How do I stake my $HBAR tokens?

To stake your $HBAR tokens, navigate to the "Staking" section and click on "Start staking".

Choose a Hedera node to stake your $HBAR; all nodes offer the same APY rewards.

After selecting a node, read the information and click on "Stake".

Once staked, you'll be able to view:

  • Next reward period. Indicates when the next rewards will be available to claim.

  • Pending rewards. Displays the HBAR amount awaiting reclamation.

  • Total rewards. The total amount of rewards you've generated.

How do I claim my $HBAR rewards?

To claim your $HBAR token rewards, you must wait at least 24 hours after staking your tokens. Once 24 hours have passed, you have three options to collect your rewards:

  1. Execute any account operation: This includes actions like sending or receiving tokens, signing an operation, or associating a token.

  2. Change your node: Switching nodes will trigger the sending of rewards to your account.

  3. Unstake your tokens.

Last updated